As part of the “Consulting” service (business planning), ООО «Авангард» (Avangard LLC) prepares the business on a turnkey basis – a plan both for your own needs and for obtaining state subsidies or attraction of investors. Both full development of a business plan from scratch and partial participation in development is possible.

Development of a business plan for Client’s needs includes the following stages:
a. Development of a project concept
As part of this service, the team of ООО «Авангард» (Avangard LLC) provides the Client with an investment memorandum of the project, shows the project essence and parameters, as well as prepares your employees for a presentation before potential investors or for defence before government agencies, providing them with the necessary instructions, knowledge and materials.
b. Development of a feasibility study
A feasibility study comprises a summary description of the project’s and enterprise’s technical and commercial characteristics, which confirm expediency of production and additional investments.
While preparing a feasibility study, the team of ООО «Авангард» (Avangard LLC) can independently collect initial data about the project, with the minimum loading on the enterprise personnel, and prepare organizational, production and financial plans of the project.
c. Marketing research of the market
This service comprises preparation of a product description and assessment of its competitive advantages, assessment of capacity and peculiarities of the sales market, price and competition analyses, demand research, analysis of current and potential consumers.
d. Development of a financial model
This service includes creation of a financial model of the project according to Client’s needs, suitable for their own needs and for obtaining certain state subsidies or attraction of potential investors.
ООО «Авангард» (Avangard LLC) has experience in creation of financial models for participation in investment programs of the Business Activity Development Fund, Ministry of Economic Development, competitions of business angels, as well as for the requirements of venture investment funds.